Thursday, 24 July 2008

Bored? Got miles? Make some bag tags

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So you've got 1237 miles in your Northwest frequent flyer account, forty five minutes at lunch and some mischief rolling around in the back of your head. What to do?

Make some baggage tags -- Northwest Airlines just fired up a tool to redeem 1,000 miles for customized bag tags. Customized with any pictures and text that you want.

While this does afford you the opportunity to make cute bag tags with you and your girlfriend/dog/house plant/parents, I think that we should be taking better advantage of this feature. Yes, Northwest did prohibit most of the fun stuff, including:
  • Competitive marks/names (e.g. American Airlines(R), United, Continental Airlines(R), etc.
  • Political statements
  • Branded products
  • Copyrighted or trademarked material not owned by Northwest Airlines
  • Celebrities/musicians/public figures/athletes/cartoons, etc.
  • Socially unacceptable groups (e.g. gangs, supremacy, etc.)
  • Provocative or sexual content
  • Violence
  • Profanity or obscenities
  • Any references to the Olympic Games or events (really?)
  • Any photo image that might interfere with airline or government security control (e.g. TSA, CREW, Diplomat, etc.)
  • Any printing or process that interferes with the production of the luggage tags
  • Other images as designated solely by Northwest Airlines
But there is yet plenty of room left to be creative. Some suggestions:
  • Photos of your friends' mothers
  • Dirty pictures that are pixelated/zoomed in enough so that NW can't tell what the image is.
  • A photo of your bag (in case they get separated!)
  • Personal Ads, in case you want to woo any baggage handlers
  • A photo of blogger Matthew Firestone, who I hear is a sexy, sexy devil (I can provide these photos if you would like).
Other thoughts? Send them our way.

Short on miles? Try out the Worldperks University where anyone with a mouse and a clue can get five hundred miles for free.

Give it a try at


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