Monday 14 July 2008

Galley Gossip: Traveling with children: a few suggestions...

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There he is, the little monster. Yes, he's an adorable little monster, but a monster nonetheless. Whether he's traveling with you or he's headed toward you, either way, he's on the flight with you. Near you. I feel for you. Really, I do.

Traveling sucks, most of you will agree, but what's even worse than traveling is traveling with children, even when it's your own kid you're traveling with. Why? Because the people around you give you the please-don't-sit-by-me look. Because you've only got two hands. That's it. One. Two. It's not easy carrying the kid, the car seat, the stroller, the diaper bag (that's been stuffed full of fun things things to do, causing it to weigh more than the kid and the car seat alone) while you're doing whatever it is you have to do in order to keep the kid happy - and quiet - on-board an aircraft, surrounded by all those people giving you that look.

Like I said, traveling can suck, but you don't have to let the stress of travel ruin your trip. Here are a few tips I've used when traveling with my own little two year-old monster who has flown once a month since he was three months old.

There he is, the little monster. Yes, he's an adorable little monster, but a monster nonetheless. Whether he's traveling with you or he's headed toward you, either way, he's on the flight with you. Near you. I feel for you. Really, I do.

Traveling sucks, most of you will agree, but what's even worse than traveling is traveling with children, even when it's your own kid you're traveling with. Why? Because the people around you give you the please-don't-sit-by-me look. Because you've only got two hands. That's it. One. Two. It's not easy carrying the kid, the car seat, the stroller, the diaper bag (that's been stuffed full of fun things things to do, causing it to weigh more than the kid and the car seat alone) while you're doing whatever it is you have to do in order to keep the kid happy - and quiet - on-board an aircraft, surrounded by all those people giving you that look.

Like I said, traveling can suck, but you don't have to let the stress of travel ruin your trip. Here are a few tips I've used when traveling with my own little two year-old monster who has flown once a month since he was three months old.


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