Saturday 12 July 2008

Looking to sleep somewhere different? Check out these unusual places

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Travel enough and people will ask you where is the coolest place you've ever spent the night.

My answer is usually pretty easy: A few years ago, I managed to talk my way into spending the night -- completely alone -- in Rudyard Kipling's house, Naulakha, outside Brattleboro, Vermont. I still remember the giddying invitation the estate's caretaker, David Tansey, gave me when he said I could sleep in any room I wanted. Kipling's brass twin bed is still there, but I chose the nursery room, which had served as a guest quarters for Arthur Conan Doyle. A large room, it had a magnificent veranda that overlooked the Connecticut River Valley. I worked a bit in Kipling's study, read some later on in his parlor, then bedded down for the night, listening to the creaks of the old house.

People can rent the house throughout the year. I lucked out and had it for one night.

So, that's always my answer to the question. I thought about this just now after considering these 10 cool places to stay from VirtualTourist, via Reuters. All seem likely to spawn a good story. Check the list out.

Where's the coolest place you've ever spent the night?


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