Wednesday 16 July 2008

La Sagrada Familia to get roof after 127 years

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One of Spain's most iconic monuments La Sagrada Familia, a humongous Roman Catholic church in Barcelona that has been under construction since 1882, will finally have a roof. Expecting to be ready by 2010, the church will then be able to host services and events inside its premises.

Originally designed by Antoni Gaudi, the church is recognised by its 18 tall towers and its architectural style is a cross between Art Noveau and Cubism.

What's most interesting about this structure is that it's not funded by the government or any church. It has been built purely on private donations and money from tourist tickets, the main reason why it's still under construction for the last 125 years. The church attracts about 2 million visitors annually and standard entrance is €10.

Word is that the structure will be completed in 2026, but since its construction relies heavily on tourist pennies, that date is debatable.

The world famous wonder that it has become, you'd think that an official body would take over its completion; 144 years for a church to be completed is just way out of line. But then again, what's a dozen more years, eh?

[Via Globorati]


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